Our staff has tremendous experience in this industry and has collaborated successfully on many previous projects, solidifying cohesion and adaptability for any challenges that arise. Whether our creative solutions and dexterity are needed for budget constraints, time constraints, changing project parameters or specific compliance requirements, the Landis team is dedicated and ready to act as a partner to our owners, architects and clients for the stewardship of their projects.

Team Landis since 2008, Anne Teague sets the vision and direction for the company.
Anne Teague Landis

Team Landis since 2002, Christian oversees all company operations.
Christian Generes

Team Landis since 2003, Kyle leads construction activities.
Kyle Condon

Team Landis since 1998, Sarah plans projects and launches them into construction.
Sarah Busch

Team Landis since 2006, Ryan leads preconstruction activities.
Ryan Allen

Team Landis since 2006, James drives project budget success.
James Christovich

Team Landis since 1999, David leads field excellence.
David Corona

Team Landis since 2012, Bill leads project teams on complex projects.
Bill Tomasak

Head of the company from 1978-2015, Mr. Landis’s leadership helped shape the company. He retired in 2015.