University Residence Hall

Xavier University, Deporres Residence Hall

Landis completed the seven-story, 500-bed St. Martin dePorres Residence Hall on Xavier’s campus in 2004. The project was “fast-tracked” to guarantee on-time and on-budget delivery, working in close partnership with the architect and owner. The dormitory, which was designed to house up to 500 upper-classmen, included central air and heating systems throughout each room, and a unique type of roofing system was installed to provide additional cost savings to the owner. All resident suites also include private bathrooms and bedrooms with modular desks, storage areas and wardrobes. The final residence hall was widely praised for its exterior skeleton framing, unlike any other building on the campus and its signature green Patina roof.

Education, Multi-Family Residential

Completion January 1, 2004

Architect Blitch-Knevel Architects

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